Hey, I am
Henil Malaviya
Indie self-taught web developer.
I specialize in developing secure and robust web applications.

Core Principles

  • Projects over Certificates
  • Experience over Knowledge
  • Reason over Belief
  • Building what i need

In 2020, I jumped into web development—and I've been loving it ever since. I started with the usual suspects: JavaScript, PHP, and Node.js, building random projects just to see what I could make. Along the way, I discovered TypeScript, because, let's be honest, writing safer code just makes life easier. Then came frameworks like React, Vue, and meta-frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js—which felt like leveling up in a video game.
As I dug deeper, I became obsessed with web security and learned about server-client communication and authentication. That's when I realized I actually love backend way more than frontend. So, I dove into tools like Express.js, Hono, and Elysia, and that's pretty much where I've been since.
Now, Svelte has stolen my developer heart. It's so simple and efficient—it's like the universe gave me a framework that just makes sense. These days, I use Svelte for everything, and I'm not looking back.

Built with SvelteKit
Deployed with Vercel